Tag: Dagur

  • Öskudagur in Nóa-Siríus

    Öskudagur in Nóa-Siríus

    Every year on Ash Wednesday, or the Icelandic Öskudagur, up to two thousand children and teenagers come to Nóa-Siríus to sing songs to employees and receive sweets in return. “We can safely say that it is currently one of the most popular places among children and teenagers in the capital,” says Ögmundur Ísak Ögmundsson, brand…

  • Ash Wednesday or Öskudagur

    Ash Wednesday or Öskudagur

    At this time of year, many countries celebrate carnival, which can last up to a week. In Iceland, the carnival season is limited to three days: bolludagur, sprengidagur and Öskudagur (Ash Wednesday). Today is definitely a holiday for children who dress up in costumes and walk around the city visiting shops and […]

  • Bolludagur – Sweet Bun Day

    Bolludagur – Sweet Bun Day

    Before the start of Lent, three interesting days are celebrated in Iceland: Bolludagur on Monday, Sprengidagur on Tuesday and Öskudagur on Wednesday. On Bollundagur, puff balls filled with cream are baked. This custom dates back to the mid-19th century, when these sweets were baked in Danish and Norwegian bakeries. An Icelandic tradition is what little…

  • Reykjavík has a new mayor

    Reykjavík has a new mayor

    Reykjavík City Council today elected Einar Þorsteinsson as mayor. After the meeting, former mayor Dagur B. Eggertsson handed Einar the keys to the new office. Dagur held office continuously for 3,500 days, or almost ten years. At the same meeting, Dagur was elected chairman of the city council. Einar has held this position since the…

  • The mayor of Reykjavik withdraws from politics

    The mayor of Reykjavik withdraws from politics

    Dagur B. Eggertsson, mayor of Reykjavik for 10 years, will not run in the next local elections. He announced this in an interview with Heimildin on Friday. Dagur is Reykjavik's longest-serving city councilor. He joined the city council in 2002 as an independent member of Reykjavíkurlistinn. He later joined the Alliance and became vice-chairman of…

  • Fiskidagurinn mikli is becoming a thing of the past

    Fiskidagurinn mikli is becoming a thing of the past

    Fiskidagurinn mikli celebrated in Dalvík is now a thing of the past. The decision was announced by the board of the association of the same name, which has been organizing the event since 2005. Fiskidagurinn mikli, or Great Fish Day, took place every year from 2001 to 2019. Then there was a three-year Covid break,…

  • Women’s General Strike: “Do You Call This Equality?”

    Women’s General Strike: “Do You Call This Equality?”

    On October 24, the anniversary of Kvennafrídagurinn, a women’s strike was announced. Women and non-binary people are encouraged to leave paid and unpaid work and attend protest meetings. “The working days of foreign women are longer and more irregular than those of Icelandic women. Their wages are lower and their job security is lower. Do…

  • Pomnik ku czci „dziewcząt od śledzi”

    Pomnik ku czci „dziewcząt od śledzi”

    Coroczne święto „Trilludagur” w Siglufjörður uświetni odsłonięcie pomnika „dziewcząt od śledzi”. Anita Elefsen, dyrektor Islandzkiego Muzeum Śledzia, mówi, że te dziewczyny utorowały drogę kobietom do miejsc pracy. Ich praca polegała na soleniu śledzi. Działały na portowym pomoście i pracowały dzień i noc. Pomnik będzie można oglądać przed Muzeum Śledzia, a odsłonięcia dokona premier Islandii, Katrín…

  • Sjómannadagurinn, which is the day of the sea people celebrated throughout the country

    Sjómannadagurinn, which is the day of the sea people celebrated throughout the country

    People of the Sea Day is celebrated in Iceland on the first Sunday of June each year, except when Pentecost falls on that day, in which case it is the following Sunday. The traditional wreath-laying ceremony at the grave of the unknown sailor took place at the Fossvogur cemetery. The President, the Minister of Justice,…

  • First day of summer – Sumardagurinn fyrsti

    First day of summer – Sumardagurinn fyrsti

    Today, April 20, Iceland celebrates the first day of summer – Sumardagurinn fyrsti. The beginning of summer always falls on the first Thursday after April 18. Icelanders have been celebrating the first day of summer since 1921, and it is one of 11 official holidays in Iceland, which are usually public holidays. According to the…

  • Ash Wednesday or Öskudagur

    Ash Wednesday or Öskudagur

    Carnival is celebrated in many countries at this time of year and can last up to a week. In Iceland, the carnival season is limited to three days: bolludagur, sprengidagur and today’s Öskudagur (Ash Wednesday). Today is definitely a holiday for children who dress up in costumes and walk around the city visiting shops and…

  • Sweet debauchery day – Bolludagur, Sprengidagur and Öskudagur

    Sweet debauchery day – Bolludagur, Sprengidagur and Öskudagur

    Last week we celebrated the traditional Polish Fat Thursday, and today in Iceland is celebrated the day of sweet buns, i.e. Bolludagur. On this day, Icelanders eat thousands of sweet cream cakes, most of which resemble Polish puffs and are covered with chocolate or caramel glaze, although other varieties are also available. For bakers, this…

  • Today in Iceland we celebrate Konudagur – Women’s Day!

    Today in Iceland we celebrate Konudagur – Women’s Day!

    Today in Iceland Konudagur – Women’s Day is celebrated, so let no man forget about his girlfriend, woman, wife or sister. Today is the day when men should remember to prepare a nice surprise for their women. According to sources from the University of Iceland, the oldest information about Women’s Day dates back to the…

  • The month of Þorri has begun.  Icelanders celebrate Bondadagur

    The month of Þorri has begun. Icelanders celebrate Bondadagur

    The Icelandic holiday of Bóndadagur is a day dedicated to celebrating and pampering a man, partner, husband. It is an old holiday, and the name Bóndadagur comes from the word “Bondi” which means a man, a homeowner or a farmer, a farmer. As a result, the holiday has also been translated as “Farmer’s Day”. “Bondi”…

  • Reykjavík mayor Dagur will run for re-election

    Reykjavík mayor Dagur will run for re-election

    Dagur B. Eggertsson, the mayor of Reykjavík, announced that he would run for the municipal elections in May this year. Dagur said he was counting on a “short and fierce battle” with competitors, probably among whom would be Hildur Björnsdóttir of the Independence Party. As a city councilor for 20 years, Dagur has been on…

  • Þorrablót once again at home

    Þorrablót once again at home

    “Now is the time for prayers and the hope that these high-ranking gentlemen will open their eyes,” says Jóhannes Stefánsson, restaurateur in Múlakaffi. Bóndadagur, or Icelandic Men’s Day[1] January 21st, and during the normal season, the first major þorrablót events in the country should take place on the weekend of January 15-16. Given the current…

  • Dagur íslenskrar tungu – The Day of the Icelandic Language

    Dagur íslenskrar tungu – The Day of the Icelandic Language

    If you have seen the flags in front of the homes of Icelanders and institutions today, the reason is Dagur íslenskrar tungu – Icelandic Language Day, celebrated today. Icelandic Language Day is celebrated on November 16, on the birthday of Jónas Hallgrímsson (about whom we wrote recently HERE), as proposed by the Minister of Culture…

  • Tonight the light of the Peace Tower will shine again

    Tonight the light of the Peace Tower will shine again

    According to mbl.is, tonight at 8 p.m., on John Lennon’s birthday, on Viðey Island, off the coast of Reykjavik, the light of the Imagine Peace Tower will be lit for the 15th time. Lennon was born in 1940 – 81 years ago. Due to the current restrictions on public gatherings, a maximum of 500 people…

  • Today Icelanders celebrate Independence Day – Lýðveldisdagurinn

    Today Icelanders celebrate Independence Day – Lýðveldisdagurinn

    Iceland regained its independence on December 1, 1918, but still remained in a personal union with Denmark. From that time on, December 1 was celebrated as the National Day, which in 1944 was moved to June 17. The change of date came as a result of the official announcement on June 17, 1944, during the…

  • The Mayor of Reykjavík is against reducing the opening hours of entertainment venues

    The Mayor of Reykjavík is against reducing the opening hours of entertainment venues

    Dagur B. Eggertsson, Mayor of Reykjavik, believes that the opening hours of entertainment venues should not be permanently shortened. This is a response to the police’s call for permanent changes that were in place during the coronavirus epidemic, when bars and clubs were open much shorter. According to Dagur, the danger of curtailing the activities…

  • Reykjavík debt estimated at 386 billion kronor

    Reykjavík debt estimated at 386 billion kronor

    Reykjavík’s operational performance did not improve during the pandemic, largely because the city’s management expectations, which expected greater impacts, were not met. Ráðhús Reykjavíkur The city’s result was 15 billion crowns lower than projected in the city hall, the result of the city’s consolidation was negative by almost 3 billion crowns, but the total debt…

  • Billions for investments in municipal swimming pools

    Billions for investments in municipal swimming pools

    In the coming years, the city of Reykjavík plans to invest between seven and eight billion ISK (up to USD 62 million / EUR 51 million) in the renovation of existing swimming pools, the construction of new ones and the improvement of infrastructure for those who enjoy swimming in the sea. These plans were presented…

  • Plans to build a bridge to Viðey Island

    Plans to build a bridge to Viðey Island

    The city of Reykjavík plans to build a pedestrian and bicycle bridge connecting Viðey Island with Gufunes in Reykjavík. This bridge is part of the city’s general spatial development plan for 2010–2030. At a meeting on Friday last week, Mayor Dagur B. Eggertsson presented an environmental plan for the city and future investments. He explained…

  • The suspect in the shooting was released from custody

    The suspect in the shooting was released from custody

    Suspected of shooting at the car of Reykjavik mayor Dagur B. Eggertsson, he was released from custody. The district prosecutor found that there were no grounds for keeping the man in custody. photo: visir.is A man, who is a former police officer and has already convicted a sex offense, was sentenced to three days in…

  • Former policeman suspected of shooting at the Mayor of Reykjavik’s car

    Former policeman suspected of shooting at the Mayor of Reykjavik’s car

    A former police officer is suspected of shooting at the car of Reykjavik’s mayor, Dagur B. Eggertsson, and at the windows of the Social Democratic Alliance offices. The man is currently in police custody. Mayor of Reykjavik Dagur B. Eggertsson According to Fréttablaðið, in 2003 a man was sentenced to 18 months in prison for…

  • From Iceland – The city of Reykjavík buys a sex toy store, will turn it into a kindergarten

    From Iceland – The city of Reykjavík buys a sex toy store, will turn it into a kindergarten

    Mayor of Reykjavík Dagur B. Eggertsson announced it Twitter yesterday that the city council has approved the purchase of two properties located next to each other: an architectural office and one of the city’s most beloved sex toy stores, Adam and Eva. “The city council agreed at a meeting this morning to buy a new…